Free Speech Union's Podcast

Special Report: AUT Cancel A Free Speech Union Meeting

Free Speech Union

The Free Speech Union has had a speaking event canceled by AUT. In the first public talk in what was to kick off a nationwide lecture series, Free Speech Union member Daphna Whitmore was to talk about (ironically) her experiences with women's rights group 'Speak Up For Women' and being canceled by a sequence of regional councils. The reason given was we weren't following proper protocol for a union on a worksite, but after our Facebook page was barraged with woke activists telling us they planned to speak to management in order to shut down the event, it is clear what's really gone on here. Coming hot on the heels of our academic survey, management at AUT have really made our case for us. Join Free Speech Union spokespeople Dane Giraud and Jonathan Ayling, along with Free Speech Union member Daphna Whitmore to talk through the debacle which is sure to develop into another extremely important fight for us. join 

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