Free Speech Union's Podcast
The official podcast of the Free Speech Union. Focused on protecting and promoting freedom of expression in New Zealand, the Free Speech Union Podcast hosts interviews with international and local guests discussing the importance of free speech in a free and open society.www.fsu.nz
Free Speech Union's Podcast
Universities in trouble- why the academic freedom results matter
Free Speech Union
Academic freedom and free speech can appear to be nebulous subjects at times, which wonky intellectuals pontificate on. Yet the real world implications for a university that fails to preserve academic freedom are far-reaching. In this episode, Jonathan Ayling sits down with Dr. James Kierstead and Dr. Michael Johnston to discuss the opposition we’ve faced to our academic freedom research, why certain arguments have been made, and what this tells us about the debate for free thought and belief in general. Let’s just say, the stakes are fairly high for all of us.